Casanova di Neri – Brunello di Montalcino 2007


Vitigno: sangiovese
Il vino si presenta con un colore profondo, granato con unghia tendente al mattone.
Al naso: aromi complessi di polvere di caffè, prugna, balsamico, liquirizia, marmellata di frutti di bosco, violetta. Il vino è di ottima struttura, con generosa componente alcolica, tannini arrotondati e malgrado l’età presenta ancora un’ottima acidità.
Finale interminabile, perfetta corrispondezza in bocca degli aromi percepiti al naso.
Vino invecchiato ma ancora disponibile ad aspettare… Uno dei vini migliori bevuti, impossibile descrivere le sensazioni, devi provarlo!
Abbinamenti: cinghiale brasato



Grape: Sangiovese 100%

The wine is a deep garnet red with a brick brown rim.
On the nose: complex aromas, coffee powder, plum, balsamic, liquorice, berry jam, violet.
The wine is full body, with generous alcohol, rounded tannins and despite its age has still fresh acidity.
Never ending finish, you will find all the aromas in your mouth.
Old wine but still suitable for aging- One of the best wines ever drunk, impossible to describe the sensations, you must taste it !!

Food pairing: braised wild boar


Filed under Italy, Toscana

Sommelier by passion not by profession. In fact, in my working life I am an office mouse always submerged by payment deadlines and budgets. I love animals and especially dogs. it will perhaps be due to this special feeling that I learned from them to smell all the perfumes and smells that surround me. Since I was a child I enjoyed discovering with my mother all the ingredients she used in her delicious dishes by simply smelling them. For this I was called “truffle dog”. I do not have much visual memory so I use my nose to remember, to memorize and store all the wines I taste. I like to travel in the wine-areas of the world to discover traditions, famous or small unknown producers and share these emotions with my friends. I'll take you around with me.

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