Tignanello 2001 by Tenuta Antinori


Sangiovese 85% – Cabernet Sauvignon 10% – Cabernet Franc 5%
Il colore è rosso rubino profondo, con unghia granata.
Colore che sembra quasi quello di un succo di mirtilli (quando trovo questo colore in un vino, sono sicura che sarà fantastico all’assaggio).
Al naso amarene, cioccolato, pepe nero, violette, fragoline di bosco, crostata, legno di cedro. Se hai la pazienza di aspettare, svelerà infiniti aromi.
In bocca questo vino ti abbraccerà con un generoso alcol e tannini arrotondati in un lunghissimo finale. Presenta ancora un’ottima acidità, segno che avrebbe ancora molta strada davanti a sé.

Abbinamento: bistecca alla fiorentina, formaggi stagionati,



Sangiovese 85% – Cabernet sauvignon 10% – Cabernet franc 5%

The colour is a deep ruby red – the rim takes on a a garnet hue.
Almost chalky that looks like a blueberry juice (when I find this colour in a wine, I am sure it will be a fantastic taste).
On the nose sour cherries, chocolate, pepper, violets, wild strawberries, jam tart, cedar wood. If you have the patience to wait you will discover infinite aromas.
In the mouth this wine will hug you with its generous alcohol and rounded tannins and a very long finish.
The wine still has a great acidity, that means it has a long way to go.

Food pairing: Bistecca alla Fiorentina, aged cheeses, meat stew.


Filed under Italy, Toscana

Sommelier by passion not by profession. In fact, in my working life I am an office mouse always submerged by payment deadlines and budgets. I love animals and especially dogs. it will perhaps be due to this special feeling that I learned from them to smell all the perfumes and smells that surround me. Since I was a child I enjoyed discovering with my mother all the ingredients she used in her delicious dishes by simply smelling them. For this I was called “truffle dog”. I do not have much visual memory so I use my nose to remember, to memorize and store all the wines I taste. I like to travel in the wine-areas of the world to discover traditions, famous or small unknown producers and share these emotions with my friends. I'll take you around with me.

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